Te Roopū Whakahaere

Te Roopū Whakahaere – the Tripartite Working Group – is the Maketu Claims Working group formed under a tripartite arrangement between the Maketu Claimants, the Whakaue Marae Trustees and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu. This is a voluntary group whose job is to lead the claims process on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue ki Tai.

The members of Te Roopū Whakahaere are:

Click on the name to view the profile
Petera Tapsell
Wai 325
Chairman, Whakaue Marae Trustees
Moerangi Potiki
Wai 2147
Chairman, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu
Wirihana Tapsell
Wai 2147
Darryl Tapsell
Wai 1791
Tere Tapsell
Wai 325, Wai 1791
Trustee, Whakaue Marae Trustees
Liam Tapsell
Wai 2147
Board Member, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu
Apirana Hemi-Horne
Wai 1475
Marianne Parker
Wai 2147
Te Roopu Whakahaere
Jackie Butcher
Other claimants are expected to join the roopū as we move forward.


The Tri-Partite Working Group, also named Te Roopū Whakahaere, was formed in June 2023 with two representatives from each of the following groups:
  • Whakaue Marae Trustee
  • Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu
  • The Maketu Claimants

The inaugural members of Te Roopū Whakahaere were Petera Tapsell, Terry Tapsell, Moerangi Potiki, Roana Bennett, Paora Tapsell and Larissa Wharepouri.

The first order of business was to pause the Te Komiti Nui (TKN) mandating process in Maketu. Only Ngāti Whakaue ki Tai will speak on behalf of Maketu. These early efforts were successful and the TKN draft mandating strategy was put on hold. A link to those submissions is here.

Since then, numerous pānui, emails and social media posts have been issued, and hui held, with the aim of informing whānau of this Kaupapa and the issues surrounding the process, and providing whānau an opportunity to voice their aspirations.

As a result of these kōrero, the Te Roopū Whakahaere is now constituted as follows:

  • The tri-partite nature of the roopū – Maketu Claimants, Whakaue Marae Trustees and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu – has been identified as the strongest grouping for Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketu
  • The majority of the members of Te Roopū Whakahaere are named claimants, or in the process of having their names added to claims where they are seceding to a parent or other whānau member.
  • Whilst there remains two representatives each from the marae trustees and the Rūnanga, more places have been opened up for claimants to join Te Roopū Whakahaere to ensure that whānau voice remains strong and that the process is claimant led.